Source code for PySeismoSoil.class_site_factors

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import os
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from PySeismoSoil.class_frequency_spectrum import Frequency_Spectrum

[docs]class Site_Factors: """ Class implementation of site response factors proposed by Shi, Asimaki, and Graves (2019). Parameters ---------- Vs30_in_meter_per_sec : float Vs30 values in SI unit. z1_in_m : float z1 (basin depth) in meters. PGA_in_g : float PGA in g. lenient : bool Whether to ensure the given Vs30, z1, and PGA values are within the valid range. If False and the given values fall outside the valid range, the given values (e.g., Vs30 = 170 m/s) will be treated as the closest boundary values (e.g., Vs30 = 175 m/s). Attributes ---------- Attributes same as the inputs Raises ------ ValueError When the combination of Vs30 and z1 values is invalid """ Vs30_array = [ 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, ] z1_array = [8, 16, 24, 36, 75, 150, 300, 450, 600, 900] PGA_array = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5] def __init__( self, Vs30_in_meter_per_sec: float, z1_in_m: float, PGA_in_g: float, lenient: bool = False, ) -> None: self.dir_amplif = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'PySeismoSoil', 'data/amplification/', ) self.dir_phase = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'PySeismoSoil', 'data/phase/', ) status = Site_Factors._range_check( Vs30_in_meter_per_sec, z1_in_m, PGA_in_g, ) if 'Vs30 out of range' in status: if not lenient: raise ValueError('Vs30 should be between [175, 950] m/s') Vs30_in_meter_per_sec = 175 if Vs30_in_meter_per_sec < 175 else 950 if 'z1 out of range' in status: if not lenient: raise ValueError('z1_in_m should be between [8, 900] m') z1_in_m = 8 if z1_in_m < 8 else 900 if 'PGA out of range' in status: if not lenient: raise ValueError('PGA should be between [0.01g, 1.5g]') PGA_in_g = 0.01 if PGA_in_g < 0.01 else 1.5 if 'Invalid Vs30-z1 combination' in status: # TODO: think about whether to add leniency raise ValueError( 'Vs30 and z1 combination not valid. (The `lenient` ' 'option does not apply to this type of issue.)', ) self.Vs30 = Vs30_in_meter_per_sec self.z1 = z1_in_m self.PGA = PGA_in_g
[docs] def get_amplification( self, method: Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh'] = 'nl_hh', Fourier: bool = True, show_interp_plots: bool = False, ) -> Frequency_Spectrum: """ Get site amplification factors. Parameters ---------- method : Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh'] Which site response simulation method was used to calculate the amplification factors. 'nl_hh' uses the results from nonlinear site response simulation, which is recommended. Fourier : bool Whether to return Fourier-spectra-based amplification factors (True) or response-spectra based factors (``False``). show_interp_plots : bool Whether to plot interpolated curve together with the "reference curves". Returns ------- amplif : Frequency_Spectrum Amplification factors as a function of frequency. (Note: Even if ``Fourier`` is set to ``False``, i.e., the user is querying response spectral amplification, the returned result is still (freq, amplif). The user can take the reciprocal of frequency to get period.) Raises ------ ValueError When the value of `method` is not in {'nl_hh', 'eq_hh'} """ if method not in {'nl_hh', 'eq_hh'}: raise ValueError("Currently, only 'nl_hh' and 'eq_hh' are valid.") period_or_freq, amplif = self._get_results( 'amplif', self.dir_amplif, method=method, Fourier=Fourier, show_interp_plots=show_interp_plots, ) if Fourier: freq = period_or_freq result = np.column_stack((freq, amplif)) else: # response spectra freq = 1.0 / period_or_freq result = np.column_stack((freq, amplif))[::-1, :] # so that freq increases return Frequency_Spectrum(result)
[docs] def get_phase_shift( self, method: Literal['eq_hh'] = 'eq_hh', show_interp_plots: bool = False, ) -> Frequency_Spectrum: """ Get site amplification factors Parameters ---------- method : Literal['eq_hh'] Which site response simulation method was used to calculate the amplification factors. Currently, only 'eq_hh' is valid. show_interp_plots : bool Whether to plot interpolated curve together with the "reference curves". Returns ------- phase : Frequency_Spectrum Phase shift as a function of frequency. Raises ------ ValueError When the value of ``method`` is not 'eq_hh' """ if method not in {'eq_hh'}: raise ValueError("Currently, only 'eq_hh' is valid.") freq, phase_shift = self._get_results( 'phase', self.dir_phase, method=method, Fourier=True, show_interp_plots=show_interp_plots, ) return Frequency_Spectrum(np.column_stack((freq, phase_shift)))
[docs] def get_both_amplf_and_phase( self, method: Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh'] = 'nl_hh', show_interp_plots: bool = False, ) -> tuple[Frequency_Spectrum, Frequency_Spectrum]: """ Get both amplification and phase-shift factors Parameters ---------- method : Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh'] Which site response simulation method was used to calculate the amplification factors. 'nl_hh' is recommended. show_interp_plots : bool Whether to plot interpolated curve together with the "reference curves". Returns ------- tuple[Frequency_Spectrum, Frequency_Spectrum] Amplification and phase-shift as functions of frequency. """ amplif = self.get_amplification( method=method, Fourier=True, show_interp_plots=show_interp_plots, ) phase = self.get_phase_shift( method='eq_hh', # always use eq_hh show_interp_plots=show_interp_plots, ) return amplif, phase
def _get_results( self, amplif_or_phase: Literal['amplif', 'phase'], data_dir: str, method: Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh', 'eq_kz'] = 'nl_hh', Fourier: bool = True, show_interp_plots: bool = False, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Get amplification or phase results. Parameters ---------- amplif_or_phase : Literal['amplif', 'phase'] Specifies what to query: amplification or phase. data_dir : str Directory where the csv data files are stored. method : Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh', 'eq_kz'] Which site response simulation method was used to calculate the amplification factors. 'nl_hh' is recommended. Fourier : bool Whether to return Fourier-spectra-based amplification factors (True) or response-spectra based factors (``False``). show_interp_plots : bool Whether to plot interpolated curve together with the "reference curves". Returns ------- x : np.ndarray Frequency or period array. y_interp : np.ndarray Amplification or phase shift, interpolated. """ Vs30 = self.Vs30 z1 = self.z1 PGA = self.PGA combinations = self._locate_grids() points = [] # to hold reference (Vs30, z1, PGA) points y_list = [] # to hold values at these reference points for Vs30_i, z1_i, PGA_i in combinations: Vs30_grid = Site_Factors.Vs30_array[Vs30_i] z1_grid = Site_Factors.z1_array[z1_i] PGA_grid = Site_Factors.PGA_array[PGA_i] x, y = Site_Factors._query( amplif_or_phase, Vs30_grid, z1_grid, PGA_grid, method=method, Fourier=Fourier, data_dir=data_dir, ) points.append((Vs30_grid, z1_grid, PGA_grid)) y_list.append(y) y_interp = Site_Factors._interpolate(points, y_list, (Vs30, z1, PGA)) if Fourier: index_trunc = 139 # truncate at frequency = 20 Hz x = x[: index_trunc + 1] y_interp = y_interp[: index_trunc + 1] for ii in range(len(y_list)): y_list[ii] = y_list[ii][: index_trunc + 1] if show_interp_plots: Site_Factors._plot_interp( points, (Vs30, z1, PGA), x, y_list, y_interp, Fourier=Fourier, ) return x, y_interp @staticmethod def _query( amplif_or_phase: Literal['amplif', 'phase'], Vs30: float, z1: float, PGA: float, Fourier: bool = True, method: Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh', 'eq_kz'] = 'nl_hh', data_dir: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Query amplification or phase factors from pre-computed .csv files. The given Vs30, z1_in_m, and PGA_in_g values need to match the pre-defined values (see `Vs30_array`, `z1_array`, and `PGA_array` at the top of this file). Parameters ---------- amplif_or_phase : Literal['amplif', 'phase'] Specifies what to query: amplification or phase. Vs30 : float Vs30 value. Unit: m/s. z1 : float Basin depth (i.e., depth to Vs = 1000 m/s). Unit: m. PGA : float Peak ground acceleration. Unit: g. Fourier : bool Whether to return Fourier-spectra-based amplification factors or response-spectra based factors. method : Literal['nl_hh', 'eq_hh', 'eq_kz'] Which site response simulation method was used to calculate the amplification factors. 'nl_hh' is recommended. data_dir : str | None Directory where the csv data files are stored. Returns ------- x : np.ndarray Period array (for response-spectra-based) or frequency array (for Fourier-spectra-based). y_values_at_given_PGA : np.ndarray Amplification or phase shift corresponding to each period (or frequency). Raises ------ ValueError When values of some input arguments are not correct """ if Vs30 not in Site_Factors.Vs30_array: raise ValueError( '`Vs30` should be in %s.' % Site_Factors.Vs30_array ) if z1 not in Site_Factors.z1_array: raise ValueError('`z1` should be in %s.' % Site_Factors.z1_array) if PGA not in Site_Factors.PGA_array: raise ValueError('`PGA` should be in %s.' % Site_Factors.PGA_array) if method not in ['nl_hh', 'eq_kz', 'eq_hh']: raise ValueError( "`method` must be within {'nl_hh', 'eq_kz', 'eq_hh'}" ) if amplif_or_phase == 'amplif': if Fourier: y_filename = '%d_%03d_af_fs_%s_avg.csv' % (Vs30, z1, method) x_filename = '%d_%03d_freq.csv' % (Vs30, z1) else: # response spectra y_filename = '%d_%03d_af_rs_%s_avg.csv' % (Vs30, z1, method) x_filename = '%d_%03d_period.csv' % (Vs30, z1) else: # phase shift y_filename = '%d_%03d_phase_shift_%s_avg.csv' % (Vs30, z1, method) x_filename = '%d_%03d_freq.csv' % (Vs30, z1) y = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(data_dir, y_filename), delimiter=',') x = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(data_dir, x_filename), delimiter=',') PGA_index = np.argwhere(np.array(Site_Factors.PGA_array) == PGA)[0][0] y_values_at_given_PGA = y[PGA_index, :] return x, y_values_at_given_PGA def _locate_grids(self) -> list[tuple[float, float, float]]: """ Locate the "reference grids", i.e., rereference Vs30, z1, and PGA values (in terms of the indices, not actual values). Return all possible combinations of Vs30, z1, and PGA values. """ Vs30_loc, z1_loc, PGA_loc = Site_Factors._find_neighbors( self.Vs30, self.z1, self.PGA, ) combinations = list(itertools.product(Vs30_loc, z1_loc, PGA_loc)) assert len(list(combinations)) == 8 return combinations @staticmethod def _find_neighbors( Vs30_in_mps: float, z1_in_m: float, PGA_in_g: float ) -> tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]: """ Find the indices of Vs30, z1, and PGA that surround the provided values. If the provided values fall onto the "reference" Vs30, z1, or PGA values, two indices are still returned. The three inputs need to already within the correct range. """ Vs30_loc: tuple[int, int] = Site_Factors._search_sorted( Vs30_in_mps, Site_Factors.Vs30_array ) z1_loc: tuple[int, int] = Site_Factors._search_sorted( z1_in_m, Site_Factors.z1_array ) PGA_loc: tuple[int, int] = Site_Factors._search_sorted( PGA_in_g, Site_Factors.PGA_array ) return Vs30_loc, z1_loc, PGA_loc @staticmethod def _search_sorted(value, array) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Search for the location of `value` within `array`. Example behaviors: In: _search_sorted(3, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) Out: (2, 3) In: _search_sorted(1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) Out: (0, 1) In: _search_sorted(0, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) Out: (0, 1) """ if value < array[0] or value > array[-1]: raise ValueError( 'You have encountered an internal bug. Please ' 'copy the whole error message, and contact ' 'the author of this library for help.', ) if value == array[0]: return 0, 1 if value == array[-1]: return len(array) - 2, len(array) - 1 i = np.searchsorted(array, value, side='left') return i - 1, i @staticmethod def _interpolate( ref_points: list[tuple[float, float, float]], values: list[list[float]], interp_points: tuple[float, float, float], method: Literal['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'] = 'linear', ) -> np.ndarray: """ High-dimensional interpolation. Parameters ---------- ref_points : list[tuple[float, float, float]] Coordinates of reference points at which the values are given by `values`. Each element of ``ref_points`` is the coordinate of a point as a tuple. values : list[list[float]] Values of interest corresponding to each reference point. There can be different versions of values at the reference points (for example, at different frequencies, the reference points take on different voltages). So the structure of ``values`` shall look like this:: values = [ [1, 2, 3, 4, ...] # reference point No.1 [2, 3, 4, 5, ...] # reference point No.2 [3, 4, 5, 6, ...] # reference point No.3 ... [9, 10, 11, 12, ...] # reference point No.X ] # Each vertical slice is a version of values at the ref. points interp_points : tuple[float, float, float] Point at which you want to know the value. Only one point is allowed at a time. method : Literal['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'] Method of interpolation. See documentation of ``scipy.interpolate.griddata``. Returns ------- interp_result : np.ndarray The interpolation result having the same length as the number of "versions" in ``values``. """ assert isinstance(ref_points, list) assert isinstance(values, list) assert isinstance(interp_points, tuple) assert len(ref_points) == 8 assert len(ref_points) == len(values) assert len(interp_points) == 3 # 3D coordinate values = np.array(values) if isinstance(interp_points, list): interp_points = tuple(interp_points) n = len(values[0]) interp_result = [] for i in range(n): res = griddata( ref_points, values[:, i], interp_points, method=method ) interp_result.append(res.flatten()[0]) return np.array(interp_result) @staticmethod def _plot_interp( ref_points: list[tuple[float, float, float]], query_point: tuple[float, float, float], T_or_freq: np.ndarray, amps: list[np.ndarray], amp_interp: np.ndarray, phases: list[np.ndarray] | None = None, phase_interp: np.ndarray | None = None, Fourier: bool = True, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes, Axes | None]: """ Show a plot of the amplification and/or phase shift factors at the reference (Vs30, z1, PGA) points, as well as the interpolated factors. Parameters ---------- ref_points : list[tuple[float, float, float]] List of tuples of (Vs30, z1, PGA), which are the reference points. query_point : tuple[float, float, float] A tuple of (Vs30, z1, PGA) at which you want to query the factors. T_or_freq : np.ndarray Period or frequency array. amps : list[np.ndarray] A list of amplification factors at the reference points. Must have the same length as ``ref_points``. amp_interp : np.ndarray Interpolated amplification factor at ``query_point``. phases : list[np.ndarray] | None A list of phase shift factors at the reference points. Must have the same length as ``ref_points``. phase_interp : np.ndarray | None Interpolated phase shift factor at ``query_point``. Fourier : bool Whether the amplification factors passed in are the Fourier-based factors. Return ------ tuple[Figure, Axes, Axes | None] (fig, ax1, ax2) or (fig, ax, None). If the user also passes in the phase factors, then two subplots are produced, and ``ax1`` and ``ax2`` are the axes objects of the two subplots. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if phases is not None and phase_interp is not None: phase_flag = True figsize = (7, 3) else: phase_flag = False figsize = (4, 3) alpha = 0.8 fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=200) if phase_flag: ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) else: ax = plt.axes() for j, ref_point in enumerate(ref_points): label = '%d m/s, %d m, %.2gg' % ref_point if phase_flag: ax1.semilogx(T_or_freq, amps[j], alpha=alpha) ax2.semilogx(T_or_freq, phases[j], alpha=alpha, label=label) else: ax.semilogx(T_or_freq, amps[j], alpha=alpha, label=label) if phase_flag: ax1.semilogx(T_or_freq, amp_interp, 'k--', lw=2.5) ax1.grid(ls=':') ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplification') ax2.plot( T_or_freq, phase_interp, 'k--', lw=2.5, label='Interpolated' ) ax2.grid(ls=':') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase shift') else: ax.semilogx( T_or_freq, amp_interp, 'k--', lw=2.5, label='Interpolated' ) ax.grid(ls=':') if Fourier: ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') else: ax.set_xlabel('Period [sec]') ax.set_ylabel('Amplification or phase shift') if phase_flag: fig.tight_layout( pad=0.3, h_pad=0.3, w_pad=0.3, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.94] ) fig.suptitle( '$V_{S30}$ = %d m/s, $z_1$ = %d m, PGA = %.2g$g$' % query_point ) bbox_anchor_loc = (1.0, 0.02, 1.0, 1.02) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=bbox_anchor_loc, loc='center left') if phase_flag: return fig, ax1, ax2 return fig, ax, None @staticmethod def _range_check( Vs30_in_mps: float, z1_in_m: float, PGA_in_g: float, ) -> list[str]: """ Check if the provided Vs30, z1_in_m, and PGA_in_g values are within the pre-computed range. The return value (``status``) indicates the kind(s) of errors associated with the given input parameters. """ if not isinstance(Vs30_in_mps, (float, int, np.number)): raise TypeError('Vs30 must be int, float, or numpy.number.') if not isinstance(z1_in_m, (float, int, np.number)): raise TypeError('z1_in_m must be int, float, or numpy.number.') if not isinstance(PGA_in_g, (float, int, np.number)): raise TypeError('PGA_in_g must be int, float, or numpy.number.') status = [] if Vs30_in_mps < 175 or Vs30_in_mps > 950: status.append('Vs30 out of range') if z1_in_m < 8 or z1_in_m > 900: status.append('z1 out of range') if PGA_in_g < 0.01 or PGA_in_g > 1.5: status.append('PGA out of range') if Vs30_in_mps > 400 and z1_in_m > 750: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 450 and z1_in_m > 600: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 550 and z1_in_m > 450: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 600 and z1_in_m > 300: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 650 and z1_in_m > 150: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 750 and z1_in_m > 75: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 800 and z1_in_m > 36: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') elif Vs30_in_mps > 850 and z1_in_m > 16: status.append('Invalid Vs30-z1 combination') else: pass return status