
PySeismoSoil.helper_site_response.plot_Vs_profile(vs_profile: ndarray, fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] = (2.6, 3.2), dpi: float = 100, title: str = None, label: str | None = None, c: list[float] | str = 'k', lw: float = 1.75, max_depth: float | None = None, **other_kwargs: dict[Any, Any]) tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes, matplotlib.lines.Line2D][source]#

Plot a Vs profile from a 2D numpy array.

  • vs_profile (np.ndarray) –

    Shear-wave velocity profile, containing at least two columns:
    1. thickness of layers

    2. shear wave velocity of layers

  • fig (Figure | None) – Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created.

  • ax (Axes | None) – Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created.

  • figsize (tuple[float, float]) – Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of fig (if not None) will override this parameter.

  • dpi (float) – Figure resolution. The dpi of fig (if not None) will override this parameter.

  • title (str) – The title of the figure.

  • label (str | None) – The text label for the legend.

  • c (list[float] | str) – Line color.

  • lw (float) – Line width.

  • max_depth (float | None) – Maximum depth of the soil profile. If None, it is automatically determined from vs_profile. Note that setting max_depth to be smaller than the actual depth (determined in vs_profile) could make the plot look strange.

  • **other_kwargs (dict[Any, Any]) – Other keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot()


  • fig (Figure) – The figure object being created or being passed into this function.

  • ax (Axes) – The axes object being created or being passed into this function.

  • h_line (Line2D) – The line object.