
class PySeismoSoil.class_simulation.Nonlinear_Simulation(soil_profile: Vs_Profile, input_motion: Ground_Motion, *, G_param: PySeismoSoil.class_parameters.HH_Param_Multi_Layer | PySeismoSoil.class_parameters.MKZ_Param_Multi_Layer | None, xi_param: PySeismoSoil.class_parameters.HH_Param_Multi_Layer | PySeismoSoil.class_parameters.MKZ_Param_Multi_Layer | None, boundary: Literal['elastic', 'rigid'] = 'elastic')[source]#

Bases: Simulation

Nonlinear site response simulation.

  • soil_profile (Vs_Profile) – Soil profile.

  • input_motion (Ground_Motion) – Input ground motion. It should be the “rock outcrop” motion if boundary is set to "elastic", and it should be the recorded motion at the bottom of the Vs profile (i.e., the “borehole” motion) if boundary is set to "rigid".

  • G_param (HH_Param_Multi_Layer | MKZ_Param_Multi_Layer | None) – Parameters that describe the G/Gmax curves.

  • xi_param (HH_Param_Multi_Layer | MKZ_Param_Multi_Layer | None) – Parameters that describe the damping curves.

  • boundary (Literal['elastic', 'rigid']) – Boundary condition. “Elastic” means that the boundary allows waves to propagate through. “Rigid” means that all downgoing waves are reflected back to the soil medium.

Attributes same as the inputs

TypeError – When G_param or xi_param is None

Methods Summary

run([sim_dir, motion_name, save_txt, ...])

Start nonlinear simulation.

Methods Documentation

run(sim_dir: str | None = None, motion_name: str | None = None, save_txt: bool = False, save_full_time_history: bool = True, show_fig: bool = False, save_fig: bool = False, remove_sim_dir: bool = False, verbose: bool = True) Simulation_Results[source]#

Start nonlinear simulation.

  • sim_dir (str | None) – Directory for storing temporary input files and storing permenant output files/figures.

  • motion_name (str | None) – Name of the input ground motion. For example, “Northridge”. If not provided (i.e., None), the current time stamp will be used.

  • save_txt (bool) – Whether to save the simulation results as text files to sim_dir.

  • save_full_time_history (bool) – When saving simulation results, whether to save the full time histories (i.e., every time step, every depth) of the acceleration, velocity, displacement, stress, and strain.

  • show_fig (bool) – Whether to show figures of the simulation results (input and output motions, maximum accel/veloc/displ/strain/stress profiles)

  • save_fig (bool) – Whether to save figures to sim_dir. Only effective when show_fig is set to True.

  • remove_sim_dir (bool) – Whether to remove sim_dir from the hard drive after simulations, only effective when save_txt and save_fig are both set to False.

  • verbose (bool) – Whether to show simulation progress on the console.


sim_results – An object that contains all the simulation results.

Return type:



ValueError – When unknown operating system is encountered