Source code for PySeismoSoil.class_frequency_spectrum

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from typing import Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

from PySeismoSoil import helper_generic as hlp
from PySeismoSoil import helper_signal_processing as sig
from PySeismoSoil import helper_site_response as sr

[docs]class Frequency_Spectrum: """ Class implementation of a frequency spectrum object. The user-supplied frequency spectrum is internally interpolated onto a reference frequency array. (If frequency range implied in ``data`` and/or ``df`` goes beyond ``fmin`` and/or ``fmax``, then the interpolation algorithm automatically use the 0th and the last point in the extrapolated parts.) Parameters ---------- data : str | np.ndarray If str: the full file name on the hard drive containing the data. If np.ndarray: the numpy array containing the data. The data can have one column (which contains the spectrum) or two columns (0st column: freq; 1st column: spectrum). If only one column is supplied, another input parameter ``df`` must also be supplied. df : float Frequency interval. Not necessary if ``data`` has two columns (with the 0th column being the frequency information). If ``data`` has one column, it is assumed that the values in ``data`` correspond to a linear frequency array. interpolate : bool Whether to use the interpolated spectra in place of the raw data. fmin : float Minimum frequency of the manuall constructed frequency array for interpolation. It has no effect if ``interpolate`` is ``False``. fmax : float Maximum frequency of the manually constructed frequency array for interpolation. It has no effect if ``interpolate`` is ``False``. n_pts : int Number of points in the manualy constructed frequency array for interpolation. It has no effect if ``interpolate`` is ``False``. log_scale : bool Whether the manually constructed frequency (for interpolation) array is in log scale (or linear scale). It has no effect if ``interpolate`` is False. sep : str Delimiter identifier, only useful if ``data`` is a file name. Attributes ---------- raw_df : float Original frequency interval as entered. raw_data : np.ndarray Raw frequency spectrum (before interpolation) that the user provided. n_pts : int Same as the input parameter. freq : np.ndarray The reference frequency array for interpolation. fmin : float Same as the input parameter. fmax : float Same as the input parameter. spectrum_2col : np.ndarray A two-column numpy array (frequency and spectrum). spectrum : np.ndarray Just the spectrum values. amplitude : np.ndarray The amplitude (or "magnitude") of ``spectrum``. Note that ``spectrum`` can already be all real numbers. amplitude_2col: np.ndarray A two-column numpy array (frequency and amplitude). phase : np.ndarray The phase angle of ``spectrum``. If ``spectrum`` has all real values, ``phase`` is all zeros. phase_2col : np.ndarray A two-column numpy array (frequency and phase). iscomplex : bool Is ``spectrum`` complex or already real? """ def __init__( self, data: str | np.ndarray, *, df: float = None, interpolate: bool = False, fmin: float = 0.1, fmax: float = 30, n_pts: int = 1000, log_scale: bool = True, sep: str = '\t', ) -> None: data_, df = hlp.read_two_column_stuff(data, df, sep) if isinstance(data, str): # is a file name self._path_name, self._file_name = os.path.split(data) else: self._path_name = None self._file_name = None if not interpolate: fmin = df n_pts = data_.shape[0] fmax = df * n_pts freq = np.real_if_close(data_[:, 0]) spect = data_[:, 1] else: freq, spect = hlp.interpolate( fmin, fmax, n_pts, np.real_if_close(data_[:, 0]), data_[:, 1], log_scale=log_scale, ) self.raw_df = df self.raw_data = data_ self.n_pts = n_pts self.freq = freq self.fmin = min(freq) self.fmax = max(freq) self.spectrum_2col = np.column_stack((freq, spect)) self.spectrum = spect self.amplitude = np.abs(spect) self.amplitude_2col = np.column_stack((freq, self.amplitude)) self.phase = np.angle(spect) self.phase_2col = np.column_stack((freq, self.phase)) self.iscomplex = np.iscomplex(self.spectrum).any() def __repr__(self) -> str: text = 'df = %.2f Hz, n_pts = %d, f_min = %.2f Hz, f_max = %.2f Hz' % ( self.raw_df, self.n_pts, self.fmin, self.fmax, ) return text
[docs] def plot( self, fig: Figure | None = None, ax: Axes | None = None, figsize: tuple[float, float] = None, dpi: float = 100, logx: bool = True, logy: bool = False, plot_abs: bool = False, **kwargs_plot: dict[Any, Any], ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Plot the shape of the interpolated spectrum. Parameters ---------- fig : Figure | None Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : Axes | None Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. figsize: tuple[float, float] Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. logx : bool Whether to show x scale as log. logy : bool Whether to show y scale as log. plot_abs : bool Whether to plot the absolute values of the spectrum. **kwargs_plot : dict[Any, Any] Extra keyword arguments are passed to ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot()``. Returns ------- fig : Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : Axes The axes object being created or being passed into this function. """ fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects( fig, ax, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi ) if plot_abs: ax.plot(self.freq, self.amplitude, **kwargs_plot) else: ax.plot(self.freq, self.spectrum, **kwargs_plot) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude or phase') ax.grid(ls=':') if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if logy: ax.set_yscale('log') if self._file_name: ax.set_title(self._file_name) return fig, ax
[docs] def get_smoothed( self, win_len: int = 15, show_fig: bool = False, *, log_scale: bool, **kwargs: dict[Any, Any], ) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, Figure, Axes]: """ Smooth the spectrum by calculating the convolution of the raw signal and the smoothing window. Parameters ---------- win_len : int Length of the smoothing window. Larget numbers means more smoothing. show_fig : bool Whether to show a before/after figure. log_scale : bool Whether the frequency spacing of this frequency spectrum is in log scale (otherwise, linear scale). If this argument is incorrect, it could lead to strange smoothing results. **kwargs : dict[Any, Any] Extra keyword arguments get passed to the function ``helper_signal_processing.log_smooth()``. Returns ------- sm : np.ndarray | None The smoothed signal. 1D numpy array. fig : Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : Axes The axes object being created or being passed into this function. """ sm = sig.log_smooth( self.spectrum, win_len=win_len, fmin=self.fmin, fmax=self.fmax, lin_space=not log_scale, **kwargs, ) if show_fig: fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() ax.semilogx( self.freq, self.spectrum, color='gray', label='original' ) ax.semilogx(self.freq, sm, color='m', label='smoothed') ax.grid(ls=':') ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('Spectrum') ax.legend(loc='best') return sm, fig, ax
[docs] def get_f0(self) -> float: """ Get the "fundamental frequency" of the amplitude spectrum, which is the frequency of the first amplitude peak. Returns ------- f0 : float The fundamental frequency. """ return sr.find_f0(self.amplitude_2col)
[docs] def get_unwrapped_phase(self, robust: bool = True) -> Frequency_Spectrum: """ Unwrpped the phase component of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- robust : bool When unwrapping, whether to use the robust adjustment or not. Turning this option on can help mitigate some issues associated with incomplete unwrapping due to discretization errors. Returns ------- unwrapped : Frequency_Spectrum A frequency spectrum with unwrapped phase component. """ if robust: unwrapped_phase = sr.robust_unwrap(self.phase) else: unwrapped_phase = np.unwrap(self.phase) data_1col = self.amplitude * np.exp(1j * unwrapped_phase) unwrapped = Frequency_Spectrum( data_1col, df=self.raw_df, interpolate=False ) return unwrapped